To honor the annual Latino/a/x Heritage Month, Sept. 15-Oct. 15, the office of multicultural programs at Missouri State University will host several events and activities on campus.
They begin Sept. 3 and run until Sept. 25.
“Learning about the Latino/a/x heritage and many communities included under the ‘Latino/a/x umbrella is important,” said Dr. Nina Barudzic, MSU director of multicultural programs.
“The goal of the multicultural programs events is to assist each of us to become more aware, compassionate and constructive people in the quest for equity.”
List of events
All events are free and some are open to the public.
Sept. 3
Movie Screening: Birthing Justice, 3 p.m., Plaster Student Union (PSU) Theater
Learn about health care inequalities and chat with doulas about your questions. This event is open to the public.
Sept. 5
ChaTea with Multicultural Organizations, 2 p.m., Multicultural Resource Center (MRC)
Enjoy teas and snacks, raffle prizes and a chance to meet multicultural student organizations and find out how to get involved.
Sept. 10
Latinx Voices: An Evening with Irene Franco Rubio, 7 p.m., PSU Theater
Hear from Rubio, a young Latinx woman who is a holistic activist, writer and organizer. This presentation is open to the public.
Sept. 17
Finding Flags, 4 p.m., MRC
Play a Kahoot game of matching flags to countries and learn fun facts about the diaspora of Hispanic/Latinx countries worldwide. There will be prizes.
Sept. 23
Fiesta Time, 6 p.m., PSU Ballroom East
Join a fabulous night of dancing and a celebration of heritage. Authentic catered food will be served.
Sept. 25
Lotería, 3 p.m., PSU Ballroom East.
Come and play Lotería, a fun, traditional Mexican game of chance like bingo, and compete for prizes.
If you need special assistance to participate in any event, contact the office of multicultural programs at least one week before the event.