Ozarks Writing Project (OWP), housed in the English department within the College of Arts and Letters, is a collaborative program between Missouri State University and the National Writing Project (NWP), the premier effort to improve writing in America. It’s about working with teachers in all disciplines, kindergarten through university, to improve writing skills and to empower teachers to share their expertise.
Dr. Keri Franklin serves as the director of assessment and director of the Ozarks Writing Project at Missouri State University.
She is proud that the Ozarks Writing Project builds upon the foundation of a strong educational system in the state and gives teachers the time to think about what works in the classroom and why. She explains that this develops teacher leadership and a confidence for these area experts. Through the partnership with Missouri State and the National Writing Project, the Ozarks Writing Project continues to receive grant funding for the innovative and important work they are doing. But she knows that professional development doesn’t always have the support it needs, so they offer it differently.
Recently, the U.S. Department of Education awarded the Ozarks Writing Project an innovation grant. They were one of only 12 sites nationwide selected for this grant. This was used to offer the College Ready Writers Program for argument writing.
For more information, visit writingproject.missouristate.edu.