SPRINGFIELD — Missouri State University in Lebanon, located at the Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) Lebanon Center, will offer a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice beginning fall 2015.
“This is a major step forward for the MSU-Lebanon campus and our partnership with OTC,” said Gib Adkins, MSU-Lebanon outreach coordinator. “The criminal justice program at Missouri State is widely acknowledged as one of the best. By having instructors from Springfield and locally, it’s a win-win for all involved, especially students.”
Interested students may meet with Missouri State transfer advisers on Thursdays by appointment to develop a transfer degree plan. Students will find the majority of courses taught at the center in Lebanon by Missouri State faculty.
“I am excited to see criminal justice expanding to Lebanon through MSU,” said Dr. Dusty Childers, director of the OTC-Lebanon Education Center. “OTC has always offered criminal justice classes here in Lebanon, but now our students will be able to complete their pursuit of a criminal justice degree right here at MSU-Lebanon, all in the same building.”
For more information or to schedule advisement and registration, contact Adkins at (417) 532-0518.